A Beginner’s Guide To Using A Sewing Machine

sewing cover

Sewing is a skill that takes plenty of practice to get good at. We were all beginners once, so don’t let yourself get put off in the early stages. To help you build your skill set, we’ve put together a short guide to help you build a good foundation of sewing machine knowledge. Set Reasonable […]

The History Of Sewing Machines

old fashioned sewing machines in a factory

Sewing machines have a rich history and they have played an important role in the UK’s industrial revolution. Their invention allowed clothing to be made far more quickly, and paved the way for mass production. Today, they’re still used in clothes manufacturing and have advanced dramatically. New features are constantly being developed to meet the […]

Simple Sewing Ideas For Your First Project

pin cushion

It’s not always easy to decide what to make for your first sewing project. Things can often look simple to construct, but when it comes to making them they can be much more complicated than expected. Make sure your first sewing projects are simple and rewarding by reading this guide first! Bags You can construct […]

Handy Tools For Cleaning Your Sewing Machine

Sewing machine needle and thread

Regular cleaning is a terrific method to keep your sewing machine functioning at its best. Although you should always leave repairs and servicing to the professionals, there are a few things you can do to ensure the components of your machine are clear and free from lint buildup. Keeping your sewing machine clean is good […]

When To Service Your Sewing Machine

Sewing machine servicing

Knowing when to service your sewing machine is essential to keeping it in good working order. By correctly caring for your machine, you can significantly minimise the chances of it breaking down. You may even find that the cost of repairs are greater than servicing. Read our helpful guide to find out when to service […]

Tips for Maintaining Your Sewing Machine

sewing machine close up

Sewing machines are like any other machine, they require maintenance. How often, and how thoroughly you carry out that maintenance – determines how long you’re your machine lasts. Maintenance doesn’t just mean replacing parts regularly and cleaning, it also includes the use of accessories – like covers, to prevent as well. Let’s look at common practices for […]

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